Wednesday, April 28, 2010

NaPoWriMo Napalm Week 4

The soul on an interstate
many by-ways

Two boys freed
from the weight of ideals

contemplate money
governments, the meaning of family

the source of true love
and triumph

On a spring hillside
wanting only freedom of expression

One, raises ardor
The other, Fervor

The bodies and minds 100's of miles apart
react and act in perfect concert;

The ardor is assaulted with bodies
The Fervor is assaulted with minds

They Learn:

It is better to think, feel, do, see, know and live

Their revelations
are as old as
the waves
shaking hands with the beach

The wine goes down like piss shivers and
a kangaroo to blame

Spring has her first orgasm:
the trees, the tulips, the hyacinth
coming purple pink yellow and white.

(all this talk of global warming, I didn't
think another real spring would come)

The sun is still a trick, though;
the birds haven't returned.

(spring is still masturbating off
the end of a hang-over, waiting
for The One to hang roses from her vines
and berries and tomatoes)

She is completely unconvinced
without her fruit

The letter from my father tells me
his new bees have arrived.
He is planning their hives, strategically,
around his home.
He eats, drinks, shits and shaves there.
I wonder about his cats that live in the barn,
and the bees that must quest and guess
at his window.

Take a picture from your memory
It contains each chamber of your heart
in equal measure

It was the first Irish pub I had been in
with dart boards, but no darts.
They had been relegated to a glass case
somewhere, relics from a better time.

On the television, there is a football player speaking,
who is also a Rhodes Scholar.

I make notes for my next incarnation,
"Don't stunt your growth"
"Remember all this anatomy"

but then,
i recall that these are still lessons
i have to learn in THIS lifetime.

I decide to leave my next incarnation
some better instructions, then,
i turn off the television.

I was seeking aimlessly
through the jars of my life.

I found them in a dream,
these great, magic urns,
one containing butter, one, milk
others filled with grains or brass or gold.

I was looking for the lids, in order to cover them up
but i could not find even one.

Sometimes, I would spill a little and
sometimes, I would return from elsewhere
to find them empty

This caused me a great deal of anxious sadness
just sitting there, looking into the empty containers
that once held my life

I woke up some time later and checked the clock
10 pm
I had not had a drink in several hours.
I needed a drink.
I got up and
produced shirt, pants, keys and shoes.
In the car, I shifted to reverse and then to "D"
drove down to the local bar.
Dream dream Dream
My feet slide over the flooring.
The light addresses my eyes.
It's a quiet night, Tuesday, and
the bartender has the beer and shot set down
before i get there; smooth
I slide a ten across with my wrist
and get the shot in
and that dream stares out from the strange eye
at the bottom of it
and it slaps me where it hurts most
so I motion for another round
and toss the full beer back with a grunt
and tell myself
over and over
that there is a way
to forget these things.

hold onto that soul
dont let you
take it from you

Look at all the profitable vacancies.
Look at the vacant lots earning
money for people.
Look at that grey patch of dust in the corner of the room that used to be you.
(Maybe your eyelid or your palm)
Someone decided for you and then said "you can't decide"
(and you believed them)
but you live in a free country.

Can you think of morally reprehensible acts and then drive to work
or buy something from an expensive chain-store?
Is the mirror vicious, or is it just you?
Is the mirror angry that it has to look at you?

Take time to study instead of arranging.
Take time to feel instead of analyzing.
The dead dog in the street once belonged to someone,
Maybe it's your turn
to get out
and bury it.

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