Thursday, April 15, 2010

NaPoWriMo Napalm Week 2

I've come back from a long journey
Sought to know myself in times of victory
Sought to know myself in times of doubt

I have found out
It is better to love

That I did not have to seek for that
so far and wide
for it was with me
all the while.

The graves that were his eyes
shut out the light
coming from the better days

Even though we knew better,
we faded into promises,
false faces
and names that were not our own

Play the castanets, you fucking vultures.
Let's see how well you can dance without legs.

Give me a thread to run me through
or a threat to start me living again.

The graves that were his eyes went out
with a soft, stuttering fall.

Better leave the blaming to nobody;
we like it best
not this

Ramble not, Time
lest we falter
and fall in
behind thee.

I wasted years.
(thats a sound admission)
I no longer feel anything about it at all.
I'm much more interested in watching the birds
c d
r o
u w
i n
e from newly budded tree-limbs

Much more interested, True, in just about anything.

I want to be a dervish
so that I may drink wine

The flat golden compass
that points to the poems

Exiled from your light
I would suffer

Reunited with you
I would rejoice

But it is the same
Instant to instant

exiled and rejoined

I brush the sun and dive
brush and dive

Never melting the wax
in the wings that you crafted

when you look out there
on a summer's day
you can see every war that was ever fought
and every love that was ever won.

Green spark flying-
snake specimens for comfort
slick jade skins sin

Eloquent waters
belligerent with thickness
tempts sent Magdalene
to reject the christ
and flee with John
"I never knew him!"

Bend time with effort
quick silk smooth
soft shining symbol

Sigh like sad eyes
fires eagerly hiding
on the dying side

Burn the nova streets
into a worn and empty dawn

Stamp out the stars for shoes

Look out,

Memory plays a better tune than your trombones
"don't care if I do, but I'll get some all the same"

We could tack this up against the night sky
among all your excuses
for lights, you little pricks
we'd still wind up hardly breathing
hardly living

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